Welcome To Stones In The Sand Garden


In the Japanese Zen garden beautifully raked sand and carefully selected and placed stones and objects create a peaceful place for quiet meditation.
Creating a personal shrine or altar is in many ways just like that process. Selecting objects that have meaning to you and assembling them in a manner that pleases you. A personal shrine can fit in your pocket, hang on your wall, sit on a table, be permanent or temporary, and can be created inside or outside.

Thank You For Visiting Stones In The Sand Garden


Monday, March 15, 2010



Finding inspiration always seems so much easier then seeking inspiration. While I wonder around any place (even my yard) it's hard for me NOT to pick up twigs, pieces of wind blown wood, small stones, shells etc. I'm sure I learned that from my Mom, I remember us gathering dried weeds, stones and shells on road trips and I know I've passed it on to my wonderful daughters and grandchildren, they are all gatherers too.

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